

Institute Publications


Jevrejska ekonomska misao

Author: Milika Mirković
(Original title “Jevrejska ekonomska misao”)
Published in 2022
Available in Montenegrin language.

The book “Jews Economic Thought" represents the doctoral thesis of Milika Mirkovic, which was defended in July 2020 at the doctoral studies "International Economy" at the Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business, University of Donja Gorica. The book deals with the study of the spirit and way of thinking of the Jewish people in order to better understand the idea of entrepreneurship. The roots of such a way of thinking were analyzed and researched, so that contemporary socio-economic phenomena could be understood on that basis. The questions whose answers were sought in the book are: What is the basis of the success of the Jews? What circumstances and factors influenced the development of the economic spirit of the Jews? What is the secret of a rational and practical approach to life? How to use the experience of the Jewish people in recognizing signals from the future?

Publication can be downloaded by clicking on this link.

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