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Conclusion of the Seminar: "UNEETED" Opens New Perspectives for Young NEET Population

Today marked the successful completion of a pivotal seminar within the framework of the "Youth NEET: New Opportunities for Work and Increased Employability - UNEETED" project, organized in partnership with the INDEP Institute from Kosovo, as part of the cross-border cooperation program between Montenegro and Kosovo. This event not only signified the successful realization of the seminar but also highlighted key steps towards empowering the NEET population and raising awareness about their situation.

The seminar aimed to emphasize the importance of the NEET population, encompassing young individuals who are neither in education nor employed, and to provide guidance on motivating them to attend training programs, internships, and actively seek employment. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive workshops, participants had the opportunity to delve into the essence of the issues faced by this population and consider constructive strategies for addressing them.

Special emphasis was placed on the importance of familiarizing stakeholders with the position of NEET youth and ways to support them in becoming activated and engaged in educational and employment processes. The partnership between ISSP and the INDEP Institute from Kosovo, as well as the engagement of the broader community, demonstrates a commitment to providing support to the NEET population and opening new perspectives for their integration into society.

This seminar represents just the beginning of a collective effort towards empowering young NEET individuals. We hope that successful collaboration with stakeholders will continue in the subsequent phases of the project, where young people will have the opportunity to undergo various training programs and on-the-job training. This is a step towards building an inclusive society where every individual has the opportunity to realize their potential and contribute to the community.

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