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Enhancing Regional Cooperation: Insights from the CRM Week 2024 Event in Podgorica

The Institute for Strategic Studies and Projections today organized the event Enhancing Regional Cooperation: The Path to a Common Regional Market and EU Integration of the Western Balkans at the European House in Podgorica. This event is part of Common Regional Market Week in the Western Balkans - an initiative spearheaded by the Cooperation and Development Institute, in collaboration with civil society organizations across the Western Balkans, and supported by the German Federal Office.

The event brought together key representatives from the government, international organizations, and the business sector to discuss the achievements and challenges related to the recently adopted 2025-2028 Action Plan for the Common Regional Market of the Western Balkans, the Growth Plan, and EU integration.

The event began with keynote spechees from government representatives and international officials:

  • Milica Perišić, Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister for foreign policy and national coordinator for the Berlin Process;
  • Yngve Engstroem, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to Montenegro;
  • Peter Felten, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Montenegro.

These speeches provided valuable insights from the EU, the German Government, and the Government of Montenegro on the significance of the Berlin Process and the CRM initiative for Montenegro’s EU integration. All speakers underscored the importance of the Berlin Process and its role in developing the Common Regional Market, highlighting that such regional cooperation is key to enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Western Balkans and aligning its markets with EU standards.

The panel discussion Common Regional Market and the Growth Plan, featured the following participants:

  • Prof. Dr. Gordana Đurović, President of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union;
  • Filip Lazović, Deputy General Secretary of the Employers’ Union of Montenegro;
  • Miljan Šestović, Director of the Analysis and Research Sector of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro;
  • Ardian Hackaj, Research Director and Coordinator of the Tirana Connectivity Forum, Institute for Cooperation and Development;
  • Jadranka Kaluđerović, Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Projections.

During the discussion, panelists shared insights from the business sector and civil society, highlighting their crucial role in the integration process. They analyzed current challenges in implementing the Action Plan for the Common Regional Market, with participants emphasizing the central role of CEFTA in achieving concrete outcomes through its active involvement in shaping and implementing the new Action Plan.

The event concluded that further regional economic integration is vital for boosting competitiveness and attracting investment in the Western Balkans. The Common Regional Market was recognized as the most effective mechanism for connecting the economies of the Western Balkans and accelerating their integration with the European Union. Participants also stressed the importance of a robust development agenda and the need for effective implementation of planned reforms to achieve the goals of regional cooperation and economic growth.

With the support of the German Federal Office, civil society organizations across the Western Balkans are actively contributing to an inclusive policy-making process, ensuring greater citizen engagement and societal backing for regional cooperation through the initiative Channeling the Contribution of Civil Society in SEE6 for the Common Regional Market and the Berlin Process.

Common Regional Market Week 2024 will continue in other Western Balkan capitals: Skopje on October 21, Belgrade on October 22, Pristina on October 23, and the final event will take place in Sarajevo on October 24.

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