Today, the first day of training within the project Young NEETs: new opportunities for work and increased employability - "UNEETED" was successfully completed. The training brought together 20 young NEETs from Bijelo Polje and Kosovo.
During the first day, the participants had the opportunity to express the problems and challenges they face when integrating into society, looking for a job, as well as opportunities for education and training. Various aspects of the labor market, current trends and ways in which young people can better prepare for employment were discussed.
The training is part of a wider project that aims to improve the social position of young NEETs in 8 municipalities in Montenegro and Kosovo.
The project is supported through the IPA Cross-border cooperation program Montenegro - Kosovo. The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro.
The project is implemented by the Institute for Strategic Studies and Projections (ISSP), in cooperation with the Institute for Development Policy (INDEP) from Kosovo, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and the Municipality of Mojkovac.
We look forward to the continuation of the training and hope that our participants will acquire valuable knowledge and skills that will help them in their activation and inclusion in the labor market.